时间:2020-06-18 | 来源:CGTN | 作者:

  【评论|#美国打新疆牌意在逃避国内问题#】澳门大学助理教授提摩西•科斯维尔:美国政客不着重解决国内问题,一门心思“甩锅”,热衷于挑起事端。美国通过维吾尔人权政策法案干涉中国内政表现出其根本不尊重其他国家的主权。The Uygur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 comes at a time when the U.S. government is failing at its response to COVID-19. Timothy Kerswell, professor at the University of Macao, says that instead of focusing on domestic suffering, U.S. politicians have externalized the problem and tried to create worse situations for other countries. To them, the best way to deflect the issue is to point fingers at others.

