2018 “感知中国-中国西部文化美国行”
时间:2018-07-02 | 来源:美国休斯敦华星艺术团 | 作者:
  2018 Experience China Cultural Exploration of West China in the United States

  由中国国务院新闻办公室、中国驻休斯敦总领馆主办,中国对外文化集团、休斯敦华星艺术团承办的 “2018感知中国-中国西部文行”活动将于6/29-7/5在休斯敦举办一周的交流活动。


  The event of 2018 ExperienceChina - Cultural Exploration of West China held in Houston and Miami isco-organized by the State Council Information Office of the People’s Republicof China and Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Houston, presentedby China Arts and Entertainment Group and Huaxing Arts Group Houston. Majoractivities include performances of Western China music and dance, screenings ofWestern China films, an exhibition of photos of Western China, and anexhibition of folk costumes and musical instruments. 

  2018感知中国—中国西部文化美国行 ” 将带您体验中国西部文化的多姿多彩和独特魅力!中国西部将以其宽阔的胸怀拥抱来自五湖四海的朋友们!

  Welcome to Western China inUnited States to experience its diverse charm in person. Western China willwelcome friends from all of the world with open arms。

  Freeadmission、Ticket Info:713-503-8068  




  “Films of the West” screeningsinclude documentaries of Xinjing Story, Roof of the World, and Born inChina. Xinjing Story and Roof of the World faithfully document the daily lifeand rich emotions of various ethnic groups in Western China through the lens.Born in China presents a number of wild animals across the vast area of WesternChina with astonishingly beautiful motion pictures. 

  时间:6/29 Friday 8:00pm 《天山脚下》首映式  “XinjingStory” Premieres

  地点: Hobby Center Zilkha Hall

  800 Bagby Street, Suite 300 | Houston, TX 77002

  时间:6/30 Saturday 1:30pm《天山脚下》Xijing Story 

  3:00pm《我们诞生在中国》Born in China

  地点: UHStudent Center SC South Theater 

  4300 University Dr. Houston TX 77004

  时间:7/1 Sunday,1:30pm《第三极》Roof of the World

  3:00pm《我们诞生在中国》Born in China

  地点: UHStudent Center SC South Theater 

  4300 University Dr. Houston TX 77004

  “多彩西部” 系列展览

  TheColorful West exhibition

  时间:6/29-7/5 10:00am-5:00pm

  地点:Hobby Center Founders Club 

  800 Bagby Street, Suite 300 | Houston, TX 77002



  China is a united country withmany ethnic groups. Situated in the center of Eurasia, Western China has longbeen a bridge between the west and the east, for which reason the globallyrenowned Silk Road finds its origin here and it has been home to many ethnicgroups since ancient times. Throughout history, occidental and orientalcultures convene, collide, and converge here, forming a mixed culture anddiverse art. The Colorful West exhibition including photos of Western China, anexhibition of folk costumes and musical instruments。  



  The photography exhibitioncomprises four sections with over 100 photos – Breathtaking Landscape, Home toAll, Happiness and Harmony, and A Place of Prosperity, depicting thepicturesque natural landscape, diverse ethnic customs, and dynamic economicdevelopment from different angles。


  A Rich Variety of Scenery –Breathtaking Landscape


  An all-inclusive culture – Hometo All


  A Fast-changing Society – Happinessand Harmony


  An Economy Central to the SilkRoad –A Place of Prosperity    



  Exhibits of folk musicalinstruments and traditional folk costumes fully reflect the happy andharmonious life of ethnic groups in Western China. Exhibits include culturaltreasures of Han, Uyghur, Kazak, Hui, and Kyrgyz, among other ethnicgroups. 


